The Ballistic Arts web design and development teams joined together to create an updated website for the BC Pediatric Society.
Updated Website for BC Pediatric Society
The Ballistic Arts web design and development teams joined together to create an updated website for the BC Pediatric Society. Our goal was to make the information on the site more organized and easily accessible, attract current members to the site, and increase member sign-ups.
We created a home page that clearly lays out the information and resources available on the site, while showing the credibility and professionalism of the BC Pediatric Society. We made each page easy to navigate with clear sections so users can independently find where the need to go. We also made sure to show the benefits of being a BCPS member in order to encourage more sign-ups on the updated website.
BC Pediatric Society advocates for the improved health of infants, youth, and their families. They provide a variety of resources concerning the physical and mental health of children and youth, as well as providing programs and educational events for pediatricians and other health care professionals.