The Ballistic Arts video team created a series of fun and unique info-hit micro-animation holiday social media videos for Port of Vancouver.
Social Media Videos For Festive Port of Vancouver Campaign
The Ballistic Arts video team created a series of fun and unique info-hit micro-animation holiday social media videos for Port of Vancouver. The intention was to create aware of the community impact the Port plays for the entire region in Metro Vancouver.
The short animations are fun visualizations of some facts about Port of Vancouver’s services. They’re bright and brief, holding the short attention span of a social media scroller. The social media videos pair well with more detailed captions outlining illustrating the huge volume of goods the port brings into the city every day.
Port of Vancouver is Canada’s largest port and is located on the southwest coast of British Columbia. The port is an important part of Canada’s economic development, hosting 115,300 jobs in Canada, and $24.2 billion in economic output annually.