The video team at Ballistic Arts worked with Paladin Technologies to create two live action videos to communicate their brand and culture to clients and potential employees.
Recruitment Video for Paladin Technologies
The video team at Ballistic Arts worked with Paladin Technologies to create two live action videos to communicate their brand and culture to clients and potential employees. We created informative videos that highlight Paladin’s professional and passionate team and their state-of-the-art security solutions.
Our team shot on location videos at Paladin’s office, showing viewers the professional and collaborative setting where Paladin’s team works. Each of the two-minute videos has a different theme: the first empowers clients to have confidence is Paladin’s new brand and ongoing excellent service, and the second encourages potential employees to apply for a new career on Paladin’s team. For both videos, we interviewed members of Paladin’s team and used progressive, inspirational music to convey a personable but professional tone. We wanted to make it clear that Paladin moves faster than the newest technology, and emphasize that the company is built on its team members and relationships.
Paladin Technologies is the largest complex systems integrator in Canada, with a long history of servicing and managing building technology systems across the country.