The Ballistic Arts graphic design team created three detailed infographics for the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists to communicate their advocacy for three different subjects concerning occupational therapy.
Detailed Infographics for the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists
The Ballistic Arts graphic design team created three detailed infographics for the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists to communicate their advocacy for three different subjects concerning occupational therapy. Our goal was to make these infographics easy to follow with friendly illustrations while making sure all the information required was professionally displayed.
The infographics we created were made to create more awareness about what occupational therapists do, and what the CAOT is trying to improve in the healthcare sector. We created three infographics with three unique topics: mental health, quality care for seniors, and reducing wait times. The information shown in the detailed infographics is broken down into clear sections, with lots of white space to make the simplistic illustrations and content easy for audiences to navigate.
The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists supports over 17,000 occupational therapists who work or study in Canada. They provide leadership and support in the occupational therapy industry through its products, services, and learning opportunities for occupational therapists across the country.