Our website design team led the website redevelopment for the Canadian Home Builders Association of BC (CHBA BC).
CHBA BC & Georgie Awards – Web Design and Development
Our website design team led the website redevelopment for the Canadian Home Builders Association of BC (CHBA BC). This included both their main association website, and the website for the Georgie Awards.
What is important for the CHBA BC team was that the website is easy to use for advocacy and membership communication. This included custom web programming Interactive locations map, building a custom Member Database and import utilities to pull data from CHBA’s national database, and truly effective Membership signup area (which increased the number applicants!).
On top of that, the Georgie Awards website, which houses the province’s most prestigious home builder awards program, integrated awards data from the CHBA National database. Our custom programmed Awards page layouts, winners-search hierarchy, countdown clock to the event are elements that augment the user experience for the website.
As the success of the project grows, Ballistic Arts has been invited back to add in additional components to help bolster the effectiveness of the website. These included a secure Private Board Member Log-in section and a Custom Education Speakers Form.