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Gone #rad and Ballistic… with paint!

10/08/13 | 3-minute read

Gone #rad and Ballistic... with paint!

The team braved the torrential downpour a few weekends back– not for brunch– but, for paintballs! After gathering up our preloved, worn down clothes, we made it out to Ambush Paintball in Surrey. It was a new experience for some, and it was neat to wander in the forest with flags and forts in the equation.

Continuing to keep our core values of tenacity and strong relationships in mind, a handful of us got “rad” at the international 5K run called Color Me Rad, hosted at the Thunderbirds Fields. A portion of the proceeds went to Keep Abreast Canada. A majority of participants dressed in white, while the paint here came in various colours and forms, such as through super soakers and hoses. In our faces. See the before and after(math) below!

Gone #rad and Ballistic... with paint! Gone #rad and Ballistic... with paint! Gone #rad and Ballistic... with paint! Gone #rad and Ballistic... with paint! Gone #rad and Ballistic... with paint! Gone #rad and Ballistic... with paint!