Many people ask me if I knew what I know now about running a business, would I have started it? After 15 years of running this show, I would still give that answer an emphatic “yes!”
That said, if I could hop in a DeLorean with Doc Brown, here are 15 things I would tell my 21 year old self when we started Ballistic Arts. Enjoy!
1. Leadership is not telling people what to do.
Having someone discover something new is much better than telling them what to do. Improving my own communication and actively listening have been key.
2. Generate yourself daily.
Some people call this “daily affirmations”, “be here now”, or “word of the day”. Whatever you call it, it’s about declaring who you’re going to be in the face of circumstance. Anxiety and fear are real persistent feelings you won’t be able to control – they will keep coming up like the weather. You can choose them and put them aside, and generate who you truly are in the face of that.
3. Be compassionate and grateful to yourself.
This will quiet the voice in your head that constantly compares you to those more “successful”. This voice will always be there so recognize when it shows up, give a friendly hello, and choose another more powerful action to take.
4. Seek coaching, not advice.
Coaching from people who will get you to look at your own BS will be more effective than seeking out people who “understand” you. You’re not wrong or right, other people aren’t stupid. We’re all just learning on this absurd, silly, crazy, and fruitful journey.
5. Some risks are worth taking.
Most choices in life aren’t definitive, you can always change your mind if you want to after making a decision.
6. Genuinely check in on people.
Not just when you need something from them.
7. Important biz tips.
Yes this is 3 in 1, it’s my blog post, so I can break the rules.
a. Hire and fire based on core values;
b. Watch the spread between your expenses and top line (all the revenues in the world won’t help you), and;
c. Sales is a marathon not a sprint.
8. For purely selfish reasons, carve out REAL time for your loved ones.
It makes challenges at work less significant. And when you’re with them, try to be SUPER present. When they or you are gone, that’s it.
9. Contribute to the community.
Contributing to others is a very helpful way of getting perspective.
10. It’s okay to take time for yourself, and celebrate.
Just don’t over do it.
11. You are 99%-100% responsible.
You are 99% responsible for everything that happens in your life.
100% responsible for how you react to a situation and how you choose to take it on.
12. Try to let go of your past as much as you can.
Your future depends on it.
13. Manage your sleep, diet and exercise.
You don’t have to live like a monk, but if you’re going to run at a fast clip, your body and mind need to function optimally.
14. Keep learning/growing/discovering.
When you get that feeling that you’ve “finally made it”, look around. Chances are, life is about to bite you in the ass.
15. Running your own business will be scary AND rewarding.
It’s frustrating, utterly gut-wrenching, full of pitfalls and growth opportunities, and tons of fun. You’ll love it, hate it, question yourself, and love it again.